Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Age Certificates

I have been researching film certificates as I am not entirely sure what age people should be to watch my film. Shaun of The Dead is a 15 but I don't want to use such strong language and violence/gore. However I think the idea that I am killing a 14 year old girl in my film would be unsuitable for 12 year olds, especially as I am planning to make light of the situation a bit with comedic elements and jokes. I don't think I would take that very well as a 12 year old and I need to set an example. Children these days are so used to seeing death and suffering on the television and in films (I particularly disagree with the 12a certificate of The Dark Knight as the film contained a lot of psychological and physical torture and pointless killings that I don't think 12 year olds should be exposed to) I don't think they are as affected by it anymore so the less they see of it, the better in my opinion as they are slowly becoming immune to it all and I'm sure they will start to think that it's okay to do these kinds of things.

But enough of my Mary Whitehouse-style rant. Basically I think my film should be a 15 as it would be irresponsible of me to let younger people see it - especially as I started watching 12 certificates when I was 9, 15 certificates when I was 12 and 18 certificates when I was 14 so probably a lot of younger people would see it anyway.

Here are the guidelines on a 15 certificate from http://www.bbfc.co.uk

No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate to 15 year olds.

There may be frequent use of strong language (eg 'fuck'). But the strongest terms (eg 'cunt') will be acceptable only where justified by the context. Continued aggressive use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.

Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.

Sexual activity may be portrayed but without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour.

Violence may be strong but may not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. Scenes of sexual violence must be discreet and brief.

Imitable techniques
Dangerous techniques (eg combat, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on imitable detail. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.

Strong threat and menace are permitted. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable.

Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse.

Here are the guidelines for a 12a film to compare...

Mature themes are acceptable, but their treatment must be suitable for young teenagers.

The use of strong language (eg 'fuck') must be infrequent. Racist abuse is also of particular concern.

Nudity is allowed, but in a sexual context must be brief and discreet.

Sexual activity may be implied. Sex references may reflect what is likely to be familiar to most adolescents but should not go beyond what is suitable for them.

Violence must not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood. Sexual violence may only be implied or briefly and discreetly indicated.

Imitable techniques
Dangerous techniques (eg combat, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on imitable detail or appear pain or harm free. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.

Sustained moderate threat and menace are permitted. Occasional gory moments only.

Any misuse of drugs must be infrequent and should not be glamorised or instructional.

If I were to give my film a 12a certificate I would have to be very wary of the parts on violence and imitable techniques:

"Violence must not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood."


"Dangerous techniques (eg combat, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on imitable detail or appear pain or harm free. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised."

I would not "dwell on imitable detail" but I would like to have Shaun style weaponry which could be imitated by children which is a big concern of mine. When I watched Shaun of The Dead I must admit I had a pretty strong urge to don a cricket bat and go round fighting zombies so I'm sure a younger audience may have similar desires.

Anyway I think that's it. I didn't look under the 18 certificate as my film will hardly even be crossing into the Shaun territory let alone something as violent, psychologically disturbing or drug-oriented as Goodfellas, Hard Candy or Thirteen.

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