I experimented with sound effects and music and I really like the effects I created.
Other things I included are:
- Pan
- Whip pan (where Alice throws the pencil then it cuts to Louise picking it up)
- Crash zoom: The school camera can only do slow zoom and not crash zoom which I really want for my film so I zoomed in slowly on Louise's face then when I was editing I cut the clip in two: the first part was the zoom so I wanted to speed it up then the second part was where the zooming was finished and it was just a close up of Louise's face. The final product is pretty good but it could have been faster although the original zoom was very slow so in my final film I will zoom in quicker.
- Some of the pans I did seemed a bit slow so I sped them up on iMovie (like I did with my "crash zoom"). I will probably take off the sped-up sound in my final film but I quite like it here.
- I like scenes in films where the beginning of a shot has a loud, sudden sound so I filmed Alice opening a door and walking in the room. The first sound is the slam of her hands on the door, pushing it open.
- I filmed a phone and zoomed in on it really slowly then put in a sound effect of a phone ringing. I didn't have enough still footage of the phone at the beginning before I started to zoom in so I slowed what I had down a bit in the same way I sped up the clips earlier. At the end of the clip I moved the camera swiftly right because I was going to follow with the next clip coming from the right in a whip pan but I forgot. When I am doing my actual film I will plan very carefully so that I don't make mistakes like this. In the next clip where Louise puts down the phone but lifts it up for a second accidentally, I put in a very short audio clip of the phone ringing. This is something Edgar Wright sometimes does in his films (eg. in Hot Fuzz where Simon Skinner looks right at the camera accidentally so when Wright came to edit the film, he put in the sound effect of a cash register which is very funny).
- Three shot zoom: I whip panned from the left far away then a bit closer then a bit closer. Then I put them all together.
- I'm not sure what I was doing with the plant thing. I just thought it was funny.
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