Thursday 2 October 2008

First attempt at editing

In this video I filmed Louise walking outside and opening a door then doing some more walking inside the building. I tried to get in as many different camera angles as I could to make it look professional and interesting. I haven't yet tried to do the Edgar Wright techniques I have discussed previously in this blog but I was trying to give this video a bit of an Edgar Wright feel with the fast-paced, quick editing and movements (especially the close-up of opening the door). I think I did quite well in holding the camera still considering it was a hand-held one although there are a few shots that are a bit wobbly (eg. the feet shot) but hopefully that won't happen in my final film as I will probably be using a tripod.
Another concern I have is lighting. The parts filmed inside the building are very dark and you can hardly see Louise. Hopefully I will be able to have some lights in my final film if I decide to use dark locations like this.

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